Paalana Hospital


Dialysis for Poor patients

We also run a free dialysis project in which people with chronic kidney diseases are served with free dialysis. From our experience in the past we found that there are more people, in and around Palakkad, who are in need of continuous dialysis. Many of these people belong to BPL category and are not able to meet the expenses for their treatment. This leads them to deny treatment. Hence, we extend free dialysis to poor patients and concession is given to patients who need frequent dialysis.

‘Karunyam’ Child Health Care Programme

This Programme is sponsored by both Paalana Hospital and KESS (Kuriakose Alias Service Society) for helping the economically weak families. The programme extends free medical care to New Born Babies and children upto 12 years old

Ammayum Kunjum Project

Palakkad is basically a rural area, people belonging to this region are agricultural workers – depends on daily wages for their livelihood. Majority of women are engaged in agriculture and allied activities. It’s observed that the literacy level is very poor. They believe in mantras and all sort of superstitions. Large number of families are having BPL (Below Poverty Line) ration card issued by the state government. Lion share of the society are struggles to get proper medical treatment, especially the women who are conceived. They doesn’t get proper treatment and nutritious food due to financial problems.
Paalana always gives importance to the poor people. Before the inception of hospital, we were fully engaged in out-reach programs. These outreach programs disclosed the sad flight of poor pregnant woman who are in the undeveloped villages of Palakkad district. Non availability of doctors and staff, poor transport system in the rural areas, lack of awareness of maternal care, financial constraints of the families, etc. results in high maternal and child mortality rate, shattering the hope of pregnant women, aspiring to be a mother. 
To change the existing scenario and to improve the health condition of pregnant women and their developing infant paalana has taken an approach for pregnant women in Palakkad. . For normal delivery, the cost will be Rs. 35,000/- and for caesarean delivery the cost will be Rs. 50,000/-. At present we have adopted 100 poor pregnant women.  Paalana wanted to be confident to these vulnerable mothers, during their anxious and exciting moments of life. So we launched this project.

Asraya Project

Chronic kidney disease, also known as kidney failure, describes the gradual loss of kidney function. In our body kidney filters wastes and excess fluids from our blood, which are then excreted in your urine. When chronic kidney disease reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes and wastes an build up in our body. In the early stages of chronic kidney disease, you may have few signs or symptoms. Chronic kidney disease may not become apparent until our kidney function is significantly impaired. Treatment for chronic kidney disease focuses on slowing the progression of the kidney damage, usually by controlling the underlying cause chronic kidney disease can progress to end-stage kidney failure, which is fatal without artificial filtering (dialysis) or a kidney transplant.
So we can say Chronic Kidney disease as a public health problem, especially in Palakkad region, it is a social calamity and an economic catastrophe in a district like Palakkad. Dialysis facilities in and around Palakkad District is not adequate to meet the needs of those who actually need it. And the poor patients cannot afford total expenses of dialysis procedure. They are struggling very much in this condition to get proper treatment. They can’t fulfill the need of their family because of this condition. Many of our patients are from poor family background.   Thus, most of the patients with renal problems who require dialysis are forced to travel to distant places. The cost incurred for the procedure is considerably high that people from low income group cannot afford these treatment and travel expenses.

Aswas Project

Paalana always gives importance to poor people. Paalana. As we mentioned paalana located at Kannadi panchayath. Kannadi panchayath includes 15 wards. In this COVID – 19 scenario, Paalana came to know that the people in Kannadi panchayath are struggling to get proper treatment for corona. At present Kannadi panchayath have nearly 1000 positive cases. Lack of awareness about corona and lack of treatment are the main challenges in Kannadi panchayath. They are not able to afford the prices of medicines. And they can’t meet the expenses of private hospitals
As we said most of the positive cases are doesn’t seek medical care because of their financial background. And the majority of those who admitted are poor patients. The covid protocol treatments are more expensive to these people. To change the existing scenario and to provide free medicines for financially backward patients and to improve the health conditions of these patients, paalana has taken an approach for COVID patients in Kannadi. Paalana wanted to be confident to these people, during this pandemic period. So we launched this project.


Poverty is one of the main obstacle that can affect poor patient’s health. It’s a serious and insidious problem that can affects generations of families, from the gestation period and continuing throughout an individual’s life. Poverty affects health via complex mechanisms. Life expectancy, learning abilities, health behaviours, and risks for developing diseases are affected by poverty. Lack of financial resources or information can create barriers to accessing services, the casual relationship between access to health services and poverty also runs in the other direction. When health care is needed but is delayed or not obtained, people’s health worsens, which in turn leads to lost income and higher health care cost, both of which contribute to poverty.
 It is estimated that 65 percentage of the population belongs to the poor strata of the society. Paalana is the only major Catholic hospital in the entire Palakkad district and thousands of people with illness come for treatment and medical consultation. The people in the area mainly belong to the poor and vulnerable sections of the society namely women, small and marginal farmers, rural artisans, petty traders, daily workers etc. Majority of the people depends upon the returns from their small strips of land and from seasonal labour. The density of population is very high in these areas and life depending exclusively on returns productivity has drastically declined and the expenditure for the agricultural operations is escalating day by day.
Economically, unemployment and unsteady income is very high in the rural villages. Soil erosion, water logging, salinity, essential mineral depletion, increasing acidity of soils, poisoning of soils through heavy use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers etc, have drastically affected the productivity and carrying capacity of our land. Environmental degradation and the resultant loss of the soil fertility and the destruction of livelihood systems are the major curses of the target area. In this scenario Paalana took initiation to help poor people who are struggling with different kinds of diseases. Sometimes these people may not get proper medical services because of their financial barriers. Most of the time they giving up on their health condition. Paalana focusing on poor section of people and trying to improve their health condition thorough this project.This project is opened to all poor patients who is struggling to get proper treatment and good health due to their poor economic background.

One Time Free Food per day

One Time Free Food per day for the patients in General Ward is provided by the Institution.


Reasonable concessions are allowed to financially backward patients.

Mother Care Project

Paalana Institute is doing everything possible to help the poor and needy in Palakkad District and its suburbs. We have launched a unique venture “Mother Care” with an aim to extend proper medical care for the Mother and Child with a Nominal Enrollment fee of Rs. 500.00.Mother Care Programme ensures proper Medical Care in Pregnancy, Delivery and Post Delivery.
The program is a package as follows:
  • Pregnancy Test
  • Periodical Examination during Pregnancy Period
  • Scanning
  • Free Medicines
  • Delivery Care (This Include Normal Delivery, Surgery, Hospital Admision)
  • Free Medicines for the New Born Baby Nursing Care
  • Post Delivery Check-up

Properly monitored and nursed delivery will cost nothing less than Rs. 10,000 to 15,000 these days and in case of a surgery the expenses will exceed again. This project was launched in the year 2006 and during the first and second phase this scheme turned as a boon for more than 400 poor women to have a safe and healthy pregnancy period and delivery. The response for this scheme is getting attracted by many poor women whom are financially backward and the requests for a help hand are increasing every year. This fact gives us inspiration to take this project further up with the seriousness and need it deserve. You can sponsor one mother with a sum of Rs. 3,500 to become a part of this noble venture.

Rural Medical Camps

As part of Rural Health Scheme, we have selected some remote villages and tribal areas and we conduct free medical camps at these places.
A team of Doctors, Nurses and Social Workers are visiting the places once in a week.
This gesture is of much help to many needy poor people for whom proper medical care is not within their reach.
We have earmarked some more places to extend medical assistance on regular basis in the coming days, to conduct free medical camps.
We are also committed and extending additional free medical camps with the help of our medical camp team to other place from where request are made.
Apart from this we used to conduct free medical camps in the premises of our institution in different departments in regular cycles.
We also do free medical services on all the specific days declared connected with human health care.
We are caring the younger generations by conducting medical camps at Govt. Primary and Secondary Schools in and around Palakkad.
With a view to cover people from different sections we used to have medical camps at Prison, Railway Station, Bus Station, Old Age Homes and also camps for very young buds whom are from the nursery to lower primary class levels.
We have other activities of charitable services joining hands with clubs and institutions such as Rotary International and Lions Club.

Sponsorship Programme

Sponsoring Treatment of Poor Patients

Contact for More Details : Fr Walter Thelappilly CMI, 9447527282, Director, Paalana Institute of Medical Sciences.

Benefits to Room Sponsors

Sponsorship Programme​

Details of E-Payment via NEFT

  • Title of the Account in the Bank: Paalana Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Email ID of Paalana: [email protected], [email protected]
  • Name of Authorized Signatory: Fr Walter Thelappilly CMI
  • PAN Number: AABTM0379B
  • Bank Name: South Indian Bank, GB Road, Palakkad-1
  • Account Type: Current, Bank
  • Account Number: 0063081000002344
  • IFSC CODE : SIBL0000063
  • Bank Tel No: 0491 2522655
  • Bank Email: [email protected]
  • Branch MICR Code: XX678059002


Paalana is a humanitarian social development project of the Malabar Medical Mission, nurtured and nourished by 13 indigenous catholic groups 

Contact Us

Paalana Hospital Rd

Kannadi-1, Palakkad kerala 678701

Kerala 678701

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